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About me

Location NEW DELHI, India
Introduction The mission under DNipCare aims at development of sustainable cost effective system of Palliative Care with active community participation for patients suffering from long term, bed-ridden, incurable, life limiting illnesses. Our strategy is to encourage local people to address the social needs of patients and their families, train the community volunteers to offer emotional support, facilitate the development of locally sustainable home care programs and to establish a network of committed volunteers, nurses and doctors with expertise in palliative care to support such initiatives. With the active support of our esteemed volunteers and well wishers, presently we are able to provide even monthly food ration support to the identified poorest of the poor patients in addition to the psycho-social and medical home care. Rehabilitation of the patients and their hapless families, wherever required, sensitization of the masses through locally available socio-cultural organizations on the efficacy of Palliative Care are our main plank.
Interests Care for Patients suffering from Cancer and other terminal illnesses