My blogs

About me

Location San Diego, CA, United States
Introduction We are residents who own a home that falls within the boundaries of Torrey Hills Elementary school. We have lived at this address since 1999, before the school was built. Both of our children attended/attend Del Mar schools from K-6.

This site is not affiliated with the Del Mar Union school district. The opinions expressed here are the views of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the site owners.

Comments are not moderated and will remain so in the absence of personal attacks and unsubstantiated negative allegations.

We are not affiliated with, nor do we know the identities of, the people who created the now defunct 86theboard site. We are acting on our own behalf, and are not affiliated with any particular parent group.

At this time we choose to remain anonymous due to some of the personal attacks made by a select few parents in the DMUSD boundaries.

If you want to know more, we encourage you to contact us at the email address listed in our profile.